

玛斯特锁 Vault Enterprise

玛斯特锁Vault Enterprise系统是针对拥有多个锁具和用户的企业和用户的平台。本版块的支持信息针对玛斯特锁Vault Enterprise应用以及蓝色应用程序可识别的网络界面。


    What if my Guest does not have a Bluetooth enabled device to utilize the lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    1. 如果尚未登录,请打开玛斯特锁Vault eLocks应用,并轻触“LOCKS”(锁具)列表中相应的保险箱。
    2. 轻触应用右上角的“MANAGE LOCK”(管理锁具)。
    3. 向下滚动至“次级密码”并轻触“CHANGE SECONDARY CODES”(更改次级密码),然后遵照应用上的说明添加最多5个次级密码。

    1. 如果尚未登录,请打开玛斯特锁Vault eLocks应用,并轻触“LOCKS”(锁具)列表中相应的保险箱。
    2. 轻触应用右上角的“MANAGE LOCK”(管理锁具)。
    3. 轻触应用右上角的“Settings”(设置)图标。
    4. 轻触“SHARE TEMPORARY CODES”(共享临时密码),然后遵照应用指示分享目前或未来的密码。

    How many lock boxes can I add to my Master Lock Vault Enterprise account?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    玛斯特锁Vault Enterprise机构账户可添加的保险箱数量目前暂无限制。

    How long will the batteries last on my Master Lock Safe Space Portable or Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    在正常使用情况下,玛斯特锁Safe Space便携式或壁挂式蓝牙保险箱的电池至少可使用2年。

    How do I add or remove guest access to my Bluetooth lock?

    Category: Account Management & Editing Users


    To add access for a guest:

    1. Open the Master Lock App.
    2. Select the lock you want to update.
    3. Select “Manage Locks” in the upper right corner. You may have to enter your passcode.
    4. Scroll to “Guests” and select “Add a Guest.”
    5. Add a new guest or select an existing guest.
    6. Enter your guest’s contact information and hit “Continue.”
    7. Select your guest’s schedule.
    8. Press “Send Invitation.”

    To revoke guest access, you should first remove the guest from the app:

    1. Open the Master Lock App.
    2. Select the lock you want to update.
    3. Select “Manage Locks” in the upper right corner. You may have to enter your password.
    4. Select the “Delete” Icon.
    5. Select “Revoke Access” to revoke a guest’s access to this lock, or select “Delete” to remove them from all locks. This will send the guest an email notification.

    Then, you should perform the “Reset Keys” function to the lock:

    1. Approach the lock. You cannot reset keys remotely.
    2. Open the Master Lock App.
    3. Select the lock you want to reset.
    4. Select “Manage Lock” in the upper right corner. You may need to enter your password.
    5. Press the “Settings” icon in the upper right corner.
    6. Press “Reset Keys.”
    7. Follow any additional instructions within the app.

    >See Video Instructions
    [Vault Enterprise: Adding, Editing, & Deleting Users]

    What if my phone battery dies? How can I access my Bluetooth Lock Box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    Is it possible to update the firmware on the lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    可以,当您的保险箱发布了固件更新时,您可以进行更新。每当有更新发布时,应用程序会向您推送通知。您也可以进入“About This Lock”页面的锁具设置菜单,手动检查固件更新。

    Do I need a pin or key card to access my lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    Are these locks and lock boxes susceptible to Bluetooth hacking?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    No. We’ve designed these locks and lock boxes using robust, military-grade authentication and encryption technology. This technology deters sniffing, replay, and manipulation hacks that other Bluetooth locks are susceptible to.

    We contract with independent security professionals to audit our systems regularly. For more information, read our technical documentation.

    Why do I need a Master Lock Vault account to register my lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    Is my phone compatible with Master Lock Bluetooth Lock Products?

    Category: Get Started with Vault Enterprise


    Our locks are designed to work with devices that use Bluetooth v4.0 and higher. We currently support:

    Apple: iOS 10 or later. iPhone6 or later.
    Android: Version 5 or later.

    Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

    Can the Master Lock Safe Space Portable and Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Boxes be used outdoors?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    玛斯特锁Safe Space蓝牙保险箱可经受室外的恶劣环境。

    Why does my Bluetooth Lock Box not seem to be functioning properly?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    1. 登录您的玛斯特锁Vault eLocks账户
    2. 从“锁具列表”中选择您的锁具
    3. 选择“管理锁具”
    4. 选择右上角的齿轮图标
    5. 选择“About this Lock”(关于此挂锁)
    6. 如果固件可以升级,那么您将看到“There is a firmware update available!”(固件可升级!)的消息
    7. 按下“Download and Install”(下载并安装)按钮
    8. 按下“Install Update”(安装更新)按钮
    9. 请确保安装更新时锁具处于活动状态,并在2英尺范围内
    10. 更新成功完成后您将收到通知


    My phone was lost or stolen. How do I secure my Bluetooth locks?

    Category: Account Management & Editing Users


    First, go to masterlockvault.com and change your username and password.

    Then you’ll need to reset all the keys to your locks.

    1. Download the Vault app onto your new device.
    2. Approach the lock or lock box so that you are within range. You cannot reset your keys remotely.
    3. Select the appropriate padlock or lock box from the locks list.
    4. Press “Manage Lock” in the upper right corner. Enter your passcode if prompted.
    5. Press “Settings” in the upper right corner.”
    6. Press “Reset Keys.”

    Follow any additional instructions in the app. Repeat this process for every device connected to the lost or stolen device.

    What if my Master Lock Safe Space Portable or Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Box battery dies?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    1. If battery dies in locked position, locate battery jump contacts on the bottom of the lock box. (show illustration)
    2. 将新的9伏电池置于保险箱下,正极(+)和负极(-)端子顶在跨接触点上。
    3. 将电池固定到位后,将经过授权的移动设备置于保险箱的连接范围内,按下保险箱密码键盘上的任意按钮。如果锁具未解锁,请在保险箱密码键盘上输入初始访问密码。
    4. 保险箱打开后,装上新的CR123A电池。



    Where can I find the Activation Code for my Master Lock Bluetooth lock box?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    The activation code for each lock box is in the upper left corner of the instructions provided in the packaging.

    If you have lost the instructions, please visit a Master Lock distributor / retailer with your lock box. You can ask them to contact Master Lock for the activation code using the ID that is engraved on the bottom of your lock box. US and Canadian distributors can call 866-760-1936.

    There are two Master Lock apps. Which one should I use?

    Category: Get Started with Vault Enterprise


    If you have 15 or fewer guests per lock, or if you need 40 or less Bluetooth locks, you can use the Master Lock Home App.

    Master Lock Vault Home App on Apple and Android

    If you're using more than 40 Bluetooth lock products and need more than 15 guests per lock, you should use the Master Lock Vault Enterprise App.

    Master Lock Vault Enterprise App on Apple and Android

    My Master Lock Bluetooth lock box will not re-lock. How can I fix this?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    If your lock box door will not relock, you will need to unlock the door again using either one of the codes (Primary, Secondary or Temporary Codes) or Bluetooth from the App.

    The lock box will make a clicking noise (one or three clicks may occur) and the ring will turn green to indicate that it has unlocked.

    Then close the door and wait until the unit clicks and the ring flashes blue to indicate the unit has relocked. Then pull firmly on the door to confirm that is locked in place.

    If you are still having issues relocking the lock box, try:

    1. Loosening the top two screws 3 or 4 turns (only for wall mount units).
    2. Looking at the bottom plastic piece inside the bottom of the lock box. If the pin on the right is bent or missing it will not push the sensor letting the lock know the door is closed. You may need to replace the pin.
    3. Changing the battery. The lock box takes a CR123A battery.

    What if my phone's Bluetooth isn't working to access my lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    How do I add a guest to my Master Lock Safe Space Portable and Wall-Mount BLE Lock Boxes?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    1. 若想让访客能够访问您的保险箱,请打开玛斯特锁Vault eLocks应用。
    2. 在锁具列表中选择需要提供客人访问权的锁具。
    3. 点击位于右上角的“MANAGE LOCK”(管理锁具)。出现提示时输入您的密码。
    4. 向下滚动至访客,并轻触右上角的“ADD A GUEST”(添加访客)图标。
    5. 选择已注册的访客或添加新访客。
    6. 根据提示输入客人的联系信息,然后轻触“CONTINUE”(继续)
    7. 选择您访客的时间安排:不限(24/7),白天(上午7至下午7),或夜晚(晚上7至凌晨7)
    8. 轻触“SEND INVITATION”(发送邀请)
    9. 邀请发送成功后,您将收到确认邮件。
    10. 访客打开邀请中的链接后,系统将提示其登录玛斯特锁Vault账户或创建一个新账户。
    11. 客人接受邀请后,您将收到一封确认邮件。
    12. 访客将通过应用和玛斯特锁Vault账户,在“共享锁具”查看锁具。

    How do I open my Master Lock Bluetooth lock box?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    You can open your Master Lock Bluetooth lock box by using Bluetooth or by entering a numeric code on the keypad.

    To open using Bluetooth:

    1. Ensure that you are a registered user in the Master Lock Vault Home or Vault Enterprise app.
    2. Open the app and log in.
    3. Press any key on the lock box keypad. If using the Vault Enterprise app, also press the blue key in the app.
    4. Open the compartment when the light turns green.

    To open using a code:

    1. Enter the code into the keypad.
    2. Open the compartment when the light turns green.

    Can I update the firmware on my Bluetooth padlock or lock box?

    Category: Account Management & Editing Users


    You can update the firmware on your Bluetooth product. Follow these steps:

    1. Approach your lock and stay within 2 feet of the lock while updating.
    2. Sign into your Master Lock app.
    3. Select the lock you want to update.
    4. Choose “Manage Locks.”
    5. Press the Gear icon in the upper right corner.
    6. Select “About this Lock.”
    7. Press “Download and Install.”
    8. Press “Install update.”

    The clear button on my Master Lock SafeSpace Portable or Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Box is now yellow instead of blue or green. What is causing this?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    1. 打开保险箱。
    2. 使用一字螺丝刀,打开保险箱门后侧的电池盒盖。
    3. 取出电池并换上新的CR123A电池。请确保按照电池盒盖上的标注正确摆放正负极。
    4. 装上新电池后,关上电池盒盖并拧紧螺丝。


    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business




    在苹果应用商店下载 Google Play上的安卓应用



    网络管理:Chrome、Safari、Firefox、Internet Explorer (Edge)。


    How do I remove the shackle from the portable lock box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    1. 请确保用户按照“How to Register and Add Your Lock”(如何注册并添加锁具)的说明操作,或已被锁具用户授予锁钩访问权且已接受访问保险箱的邀请。
    2. 请确保打开玛斯特锁eLocks应用且用户登录应用。
    3. 轻触右上角的“MANAGE LOCK”(管理锁具),并根据提示输入密码或代码。
    4. 按下保险箱密码键盘上的任何按钮,激活锁具。
    5. 轻触“OPEN SHACKLE”(打开锁钩)。
    6. 当保险箱绿灯亮起时,直接向上拉出锁钩,并在5秒内拆下锁钩。


    1. 同时按下清除按钮以及初始密码的第一位数字。
    2. 松开清除按钮和初始密码的第一位数字,然后输入初始密码的其他数字。
    3. 当保险箱绿灯亮起时,直接向上拉出锁钩,并在5秒内拆下锁钩。

    How do I accept an invitation to access a Master Lock Safe Space Portable or Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Box?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    玛斯特锁Safe Space蓝牙保险箱的设计可保障用户通过智能手机蓝牙凭证或在密码键盘上输入传统手动密码而获得访问权限。
    1. 用户登录玛斯特锁eLocks应用,遵照指示“添加访客”,之后邀请将被送出。
    2. 打开邀请中的链接。
    3. 遵照提示,登录现有玛斯特锁Vault账户或创建一个新账户。
    4. 邀请人将收到电子邮件确认,表明您已接受邀请。
    5. 您可在应用和其玛斯特锁Vault账户中的“LOCKS SHARED WITH YOU”(与您共享的锁具)下,查看新的锁具。

    My Master Lock Bluetooth lock box is showing the yellow “Low Battery” light. What should I do?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    The yellow LED displays when your battery is low. You should replace it with a new CR123A battery.

    If you just replaced the battery, please note that it can take up to 72 hours for the light to turn off.

    How long will the batteries last on my Master Lock Bluetooth lock box? What should I do if the battery dies?

    Category: Support for Bluetooth Lock Boxes


    With normal usage, your lock box’s battery should last 2 years.

    If the battery does die while closed, you can use an external battery to open the lock.

    1. Find the battery jump contacts on the bottom of the lock box.
    2. Hold a new 9-volt battery in place and use your phone to unlock the lock. You can also enter the access code on the keypad.
    3. After opening the lock box, install a new CR123A battery.

    How do I find the Master Lock Vault Enterprise Activation Code in the lock box packaging?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business



    What is the product warranty for Master Lock Safe Space Portable and Wall-Mount Bluetooth Lock Boxes?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    玛斯特锁Safe Space蓝牙保险箱提供一(1)年有限保修。访问masterlock.com了解完整的保修详情。

    What is the size and clearance of the Master Lock Safe Space Portable Bluetooth Lock Box shackle?

    Category: Bluetooth Lock Boxes for Business


    玛斯特锁Safe Space便携式蓝牙保险箱锁钩直径为.394英寸,提供1.8英寸垂直间隙和1.40英寸水平间隙。